Unleash Creativity: 8 Mind-Blowing Best Out of Waste Ideas for Class 6!

Introduction To The Topic “Best Out Of Waste Ideas For Class 6”:

In today’s world, where environmental consciousness is gaining momentum, the art of turning ordinary items into extraordinary creations is becoming incredibly valuable. In this article are some best out of waste ideas for class 6 students where students can find inspiration to turn their junk into creative treasures.

For the curious minds, best out of waste ideas for class 6 students is a journey of transforming discarded items into unique pieces of art is not only exciting but also a powerful lesson in sustainability.

best out of waste ideas for class 6

Here are some creative best out of waste ideas  for class 6 students:

Let us now look into some of the best out of waste ideas for class 6.

1).CD Dreamcatchers:

One of the easier and eye catching best out of waste ideas for class 6 students.

Materials Required:

  1. Old CDs.
  2. Yarn in various different colors.
  3. Glue.
  4. Needle.


  1. Preparing the CD: In this best out of waste ideas for class 6, we’ll start by cleaning off the smudges and fingerprints over the cd. A micro fiber cloth and a bit of water is enough. After the cleaning is done wait for the cd to dry before going to the next step.
  2. Creating the Web: Take a piece of yarn of your choice and tie a knot around the center hole of the CD. Leave a additional length of yarn of about 5 inches for later. Then, loop the yarn through the hole, moving to the outer edge of the CD. This will be the starting point of your web.
  3. Weaving the Web: Continue looping the yarn around the CD in a circular motion, creating a radiating pattern. After each loop around the CD, pass the yarn over the previous loop to create the classic dream catcher web design. Repeat this process until you reach the center of the CD or your desired web size.
  4. Adding Decorative Elements: Once the web is complete, it’s time to add some design flair of your choice like beads, feathers, and other decorative elements to the yarn strands using glue or by tying them securely.
  5. Creating the Hanger and The Last Step: As we approach the end of this best out of waste ideas for class 6, using the additional length of yarn left out in the first step. Tie it around so that it can be hanged on a hanger or any surface. This is last step of this best out of waste ideas for class 6 and you are ready to present it or hang it in a place that you like.

2).Plant Pots.

Materials Required:

  1. Plastic bottles, broken or unused cups.
  2. Potting soil.
  3. Seeds or small plants.
  4. Scissors or craft knife.
  5. Marker or pen.
  6. Paints and brushes.
  7. Decorative materials.


  1. Clean the Materials: In this best out of waste ideas for class 6, we’ll start off by making sure that your plastic bottles, broken or unused cups are cleaned and dried properly before going to the next step.
  2. Prepare the Bottles: Use a marker or pen to mark the area where you want to cut the bottle. The upper portion (with the cap) will be the planter, and the lower portion will serve as the water reservoir. Make sure to cut the along the marked line carefully and a adult supervising the ward is recommended while performing this step.
  3. Cutting the Bottle: Carefully cut the plastic bottle along the marked line. As the children might be a bit clumsy, please make sure that an adult should supervise this step too. You now have two parts: the upper planter and the lower reservoir.
  4. Decorate: Decorate the outside of your plant pot however you find good may it be with stickers, paints, glitter etc.
  5. The Last Step: As we approach the end of this best out of waste ideas for class 6, add soil to your pot and plant of your choice . Make sure that the plant you are planting is not going to grow to big as it might outgrow your pot’s capability.

3).Craft a hanging wind chime with bottle caps and beads.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Bottle caps (collected in various sizes and colors).
  2. Assorted beads (glass, acrylic, or plastic).
  3. Metal or wooden ring (for the top).
  4. Strong thread or fishing line.
  5. Craft paint (optional).
  6. Clear sealer (optional).
  7. Hot glue gun and glue sticks.


  1. Prepare the Bottle Caps: In the first step of this best out of waste ideas for class 6, start of by cleaning and drying the bottle caps. If desired, you can paint them with colors of your choice to add color and vibrancy.
  2. Sort and Arrange: Sort the bottle caps by size and color. Plan your wind chime design by arranging the bottle caps and beads in a pattern that you find to be good and that, which also appeals to the audience. This step will help you visualize how the wind chime will look when your work is done.
  3. Thread the Needle: In this step adult supervision is recommended as the needle is sharp and children might hurt themselves with it. Thread a needle with a length of strong thread or fishing line. The length of the thread will determine how low the bottle caps and beads will hang, so cut it according to your desired length.
  4. Stringing Bottle Caps and Beads: Begin by threading a bead onto the thread, then add a bottle cap, followed by another bead. Continue this pattern or a pattern which you find will look good, alternating between bottle caps and beads until you’ve created a strand of your desired length.
  5. Secure the Strands: Tie a knot at the end of the strand so that the bottle caps and beads are held in place and won’t fall out on their own. Repeat this process to create several strands of varying lengths, depending on how many chimes you want your wind chime to have.
  6. Attach to the Top Ring: Once you are done creating multiple strands, attach the top of each strand to a metal or wooden ring using knots. Scatter out the strands evenly around the ring to create a balanced and visually appealing wind chime.
  7. The Last Step: As we approach the end of this best out of waste ideas for class 6,cut out any loose or extra length strands to make it look even and also make sure to add any creative decorations to it without going overboard as doing too many decorations might make it look overcrowded.

4).Newspaper Basket.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Old or unused newspapers (several sheets).
  2. Glue (white craft glue).
  3. Paintbrush.
  4. Cardboard (for the base).
  5. Scissors.
  6. Clothespins or paperclips.


  1. Preparing the Base: Cut a piece of cardboard keeping in mind the size of the basket. This will then serve as the base of your newspaper basket. You can also paint or decorate the cardboard with acrylic paint or glitter before proceeding.
  2. Cut Newspaper Strips: Cut the newspaper into long strips, approximately 1-2 inches wide. The length of the strips can be cut to any length but longer strips do lead to easier/smoother weaving.
  3. Prepare Glue: If using white craft glue, add a bit of water to create a workable consistency.
  4. Begin Weaving: Dip a newspaper strip that you have cut into the glue, ensuring it’s well-coated but not dripping. Lay the strip horizontally on the cardboard base, leaving a portion of it hanging over the edge. This will be one of the vertical supports for your basket.
  5. Vertical Supports: Upon completion of the base, fold the overhanging newspaper strips upward to create the vertical supports for the sides of the basket. Use clothespins or paperclips to hold them in place until the glue dries.
  6. Weave the Sides: Take a new newspaper strip and weave it over and under the vertical supports created in the previous step. Continue weaving around the basket, alternating the weaving pattern to your choice(over, under, over, under) with each strip. Keep the strips snug and close together.
  7. Building Height: As you weave, the height of the basket will keep on increasing slowly. You can choose to add more layers or less layers depending on the height of the basket you wish to make.
  8. The Final Step: As we approach the end of this best out of waste ideas for class 6, when you’ve reached the desired height, fold the top newspaper strips over the rim of the basket to create a neat finish. Secure the folded strips with glue. You can even decorate the exterior of the bag according to your wish.

5).Tin Can Flower Vase.

Materials You’ll Require:

  1. Clean and empty tin can (with label removed).
  2. Acrylic paints or spray paint.
  3. Paintbrushes (if using acrylic paints).
  4. Decorative materials (ribbon, twine, lace, etc.).
  5. Flowers.


  1. Preparing the Tin Can: In this best out of waste ideas for class 6 ,we’ll make sure the tin can is thoroughly cleaned and the label is removed. Please make sure to remove any sharp edges before handing the tin can to children as they might hurt themselves.
  2. Decorating the Tin Can: In this step of this best out of waste ideas for class 6 you’ll have to decorate the tin can using your own creative minds may it be using paint, stickers, glitters etc.
  3. Prepare the Base: Fill the bottom of the tin can with sand, floral foam or small pebbles. This will help to secure the flowers in place.
  4. Arrange the Flowers: Select flowers of your choice may it be artificial or real ones. Arrange the flowers in the tin can, inserting them into the sand, floral foam or pebbles. Play with different heights and angles to create a visually pleasing arrangement.
  5. Final Touches: As we approach the end of this best out of waste ideas for class 6, adjust the flower arrangement as you wish, making sure that all the blooms are evenly displayed. Fluff the petals and leaves for a natural and appealing look.

6).Plastic Bottle Pen Stand.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Clean and empty plastic bottle (with label removed).
  2. Craft knife or scissors.
  3. Acrylic paints or markers.
  4. Paintbrushes (if using acrylic paints).
  5. Decorative materials.


  1. Prepare the Plastic Bottle: In this best out of waste ideas for class 6, we’ll start off by making sure that the plastic bottle is thoroughly cleaned and the label is removed. Choose a bottle size that suits your needs, such as a standard water or soda bottle.
  2. Measure and Mark: Use a ruler to measure the height that you want your pen stand to be. Mark this height on the plastic bottle using a pen or marker. Make sure to cut the along the marked line carefully and a adult supervising the ward is recommended while performing this step.
  3. Cutting the Bottle: Carefully cut the plastic bottle along the marked line. As the children might be a bit clumsy, please make sure that an adult should supervise this step too.
  4. Paint or Decorate: Decorate the outside of your pen stand however you find good may it be with stickers, paints, glitter etc.
  5. Final Touches: As we approach the end of this best out of waste ideas for class 6, place your pens into your own creative pen stand.

7).Magazine Collage Art.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Old magazines (with colorful images and text).
  2. Scissors or craft knife.
  3. Glue stick or white craft glue.
  4. Sturdy paper or canvas as your collage base.
  5. A set of decorative items.


  1. Gather Materials: Creating magazine collage art is one of the best out of waste ideas for class 6, providing a fantastic opportunity for your children/students to repurpose old magazines and express their creativity through mixed-media artwork. The first step in this will be to collect a variety of old magazines with images and text that you find interesting. Look for colors, textures, and patterns that resonate with your artistic vision.
  2. Choose a Base: Select a sturdy surface for your collage, such as a piece of cardboard, or a canvas. Choose a size such  that it suits your desired finished artwork.
  3. Plan Your Design: Before you start cutting and gluing, let your students/children take a moment to visualize the composition of your collage. You can always let them sketch a rough layout with a pencil on your base if desired.
  4. Cut Out Images: In this step begin cutting out images, text, and patterns from the magazines, it is recommended that a adult supervises this step as children might get hurt will doing it. You can create a collection of elements that will be used in your collage.
  5. Arrange and Glue: Start arranging the cut-out images on your base. It is always recommended that you let the children play with different combinations, overlapping them to create interesting layers and visual depth. Once you are satisfied with it you can proceed to the final step.
  6. The Final Step: In this step of this best out of waste ideas for class 6, you are supposed to add the decorative elements to magazine such that it stands out and also appeals to your creative vision.

8).Soda Bottle Terrariums.

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Clean and empty plastic soda bottles (with label removed).
  • Small plants.
  • Potting soil or appropriate planting medium.
  • Small rocks or pebbles.
  • Decorative elements (small figurines, stones, etc.)


  1. Gathering The Required Materials: Creating soda bottle terrariums is one of the wonderful best out of waste ideas for class 6  to bring a piece of nature indoors while upcycling plastic bottles. In this step we’ll start off by collecting all the materials you’ll need for your soda bottle terrarium, including plants, soil, pebbles, and any decorative elements.
  2. Prepare the Bottles: Make sure to clean and dry the plastic soda bottles thoroughly. Remove the label and any adhesive residue. You can choose bottles of various sizes to create a visually interesting arrangement.
  3. Create Drainage Layer: Add a layer of small rocks or pebbles to the bottom of the soda bottle. This will help with drainage and make sure to prevent water from getting collected at the bottom.
  4. Add Potting Soil: Carefully add potting soil or an appropriate planting medium on top of the drainage layer. Make sure the soil is level and ready for planting.
  5. Plant Your Terrarium: Gently plant the saplings that you have chose into the soil. Create a small hole with your finger before placing the plant inside. Adjust the soil around the plant to secure it in place.
  6. Decorate Your Terrarium And The Last Step: As we approach the last stage get creative with decorative elements such as small figurines, tiny stones, or other ornaments. Place them strategically to make sure that you are adding visual interest and personality to your terrarium.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Best Out of Waste Ideas for Class 6

1). What are best out of waste ideas for class 6?

Ans). Best out of waste ideas for class 6 refer to the  projects which stimulate creativity and also sense of saving the environment in students. These projects also promote recycling, resourcefulness, and artistic skills among students.

2). Are the best out of waste ideas for class 6 mentioned in this article practical?

Ans). Absolutely! All of the best out of waste ideas for class 6 students mentioned in this article are practical.

3). Is it difficult to find materials for the best out of waste ideas for class 6 mentioned in this article?

Ans). No! Almost all of the materials required in this article are waste or unused products that happen to be in a home.

4). What skills can class 6 students develop through best out of waste projects?

Ans). Best out of waste projects help class 6 students a lot by helping them to develop creativity, problem-solving skills, teamwork, time management, and an understanding of the importance of recycling and upcycling. So it is always recommended that you allow your children or students to take part in them.

5). Are there any ways in which  parents can support class 6 students in their best out of waste projects?

Ans). Yes!! Parents can absolutely support their kids by helping them in gathering materials, providing guidance and also in some steps like cutting a parent’s help or supervision is absolutely necessary.





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